تخفیف سراسری شروع شد!!
Breath and Breathe are completely different words. Look at these examples and try to guess the difference.
In the first example you’ve got the word “ huge “ before the word “ Breath” . You all know that “huge” is an adjective and you also know that adjectives come before nouns.
What is “ Breath” >>> NOUN
In the second example you’ve got the word “ Breathe” before the word “ Deeply” and also after “ to” . You all know that “ deeply” is an adverb and adverbs describe verbs. You know we use “to” before a verb.
What is “ Breathe” ? >>> Verb
So the main difference between these words is the part of speech they are.
There are lots of idioms and expressions using the word “ breath” or “ breathe”. Let’s review the most common ones:
Save Your Breath :
Stop wasting time in futile time. They won’t listen to you.
بیخودی تلاش نکن. نفست رو شهید نکن
Last Breath :
The last moment of your life.
آخرین نفس
Out of breath :
Tired specially after intense exercise.
از نفس افتاده
Breathe Easy :
You can relax now .
نفس راحت بکش. خیالت راحت
Take Your Breath Away:
When you feel surprise and admiration because something is so beautiful or good.
نفسم بند اومد از زیباییش یا از عظمتش
You can download the PDF here :
Breath VS Breathe YEnglishtube
Thank you dear yalda I never heard it before I will use it in my new conversation test
thank u yalda
love you dear Yalda
you are the best.
Your link has the best English learning issues that I have ever read.
Thank you. Its so useful ???
Love u dear Yalda. I wish you to success in all aspects of life including having and managing this site.
Thanks dear Yalda,I have never heard it before
It’s so Useful And I Learn Lots of Things At This Post
Thank You Dear