تخفیف سراسری شروع شد!!
در پست قبل که اینجا می تونید بخونیدش، یاد گرفتیم چطور یک مکالمه رو شروع کنیم.
امروز، در این پست می خواهیم یاد بگیریم چطور اون رو به پایان برسونیم.
همون طور که راه های زیادی برای شروع یک مکالمه هست، مطمئنا راه های زیادی هم برای تموم کردنش وجود داره.
می تونیم بگیم خیلی لذت بردم از حرف زدن باهات، اما دیگه باید برم
It was wonderful to talk with you but now I must go
و یا
I’d love to keep chatting, but I have to head out
و یا خوشحال شدم که دیدمت
It was great to see you again
مراقب خودت باش
Take care
به زودی می بینمت
See you soon
روز خوبی داشته باشی
Have a good day
خداحافظی های غیر رسمی و دوستانه
Take it easy
خوش بگذرون
Catch ya later
می بینمت
I’m out
من میرم.
kheili kheili ziyad
you have good time.take care
have a good day
Take care
see you soon
See you later
Take it easy
It was great to see you again
Take care
I have a good time whit you now?.take care?
It was wonderful to talk with you but now i must go
See you soon
Take care
this topic was so helpful. it was wonderful to talk with you but now i must go.
See you soon.Take care
see you soon
Hi my friend
How are you? Are you OK?
Oh, I forgot that you were from ?
Are you Iranian?
I was great to see again, but I have to head out
Take care
Catch you later
Take it easy
I`m out
it was wonderful to read with your site. now i’m heading out
I’m wonderful to talk with U but now I’m must go
It’s wonderful is correct ✔
It was really helpfull, thank you
I’d love to stay, but i have to head out.
My phone is ringinig i must go
it was wonderfull, but i must head out
Have a good day.
hi my name is narjes
see you later
see you soon
it is wonderful practice with this object but i must to go.see your weblog soon
It was wonderful to talk with you but now i must go
I’d like to practice more for English, but I have to leave my iPad and go back to my work ??♀️
it is wonderful to acquaint withe your site. i read 4 lesson today. but now i’m heading out and return
It is wonderful to see your post but I have to head out
میتونیم is بیاریم و معنارو تغییر بدیم ؟
Yes dear you can say I’m heading out
I’d love to keep speaking but now I must go
توی متن اشتباه تایپی هست عزیزم .catch you later اشتباها catch ya later تایپ شده
اشتباه نیست عزیزم مدل گفتن اینفرمال هست همین طور هم نوشته میشه :*
I’d loved to keep reading your posts, but now i must go