تخفیف سراسری شروع شد!!
در پست قبل که اینجا می تونید بخونیدش، یاد گرفتیم چطور یک مکالمه رو شروع کنیم. امروز، در این پست می خواهیم یاد بگیریم چطور اون رو به پایان برسونیم. همون طور که راه های زیادی برای شروع یک مکالمه هست، مطمئنا راه های زیادی هم برای تموم کردنش وجود داره. می تونیم بگیم خیلی لذت بردم از حرف زدن باهات، اما دیگه باید برم It was wonderful to talk with you but now I must go و یا I’d love to keep chattin...
توی این پست می خواهیم راجع به کلمه ها، عبارات و اصطلاحاتی صحبت کنیم که در دستشویی و حمام استفاده میشه. ممکنه توی یک کشورِ انگلیسی زبان، به این سوال بر بخورید که چطور باید اعلام کنم می خوام برم دستشویی. اصلا اعلام کردنش مودبانه است ؟ اگر با دوست هام باشم چی باید بگم و اگر طرفِ مقابلم غریبه باشه چی؟ چطور باید بپرسم دستشویی کجاست و اصطلاحی هست که جالب باشه و بی ادبانه تلقی نشه ؟ قراره تو...
تفاوت loneliness و solitude امروز می خواهیم راجع به تفاوت دو تا کلمه خیلی شبیه به هم حرف بزنیم. What is the difference between "Loneliness" and "Solitude" ? قبل از هرچیزی اما بهتره نگاهی به یه کلمه ی مربوط ِ دیگه بندازیم: Before answering that, it's better for us to look up the word " alone" . First things first, what is the difference between "lonely" and "alone" ? Alone describes a state o...
In this post we learn some words and expressions we use when we want to talk about weather. Let’s start with a conversation Level : Intermediate (بیشتر…)...
You need to book a flight. You are at the airport and you don't know what to do. You listen but you don't get what the flight attendant is talking about. This post is for YOU. (بیشتر…)...
In this post, I'm going to introduce you to four common idioms and GOOD phrases about relationships.If you are in love or you are getting married or you are just interested in talking about love, this post is for YOU. (بیشتر…)...
One of the best ways to learn English is through movies. The spoken English in movies is very natural. That will help improve your spoken English. Another point is that you will learn words through films. This way, you won’t only learn what each word means, you will also know how it’s used. (بیشتر…)...
There are many things you can get done at the hairdresser's. You go there to look well and feel well. These are some GOOD phrases you need to know before making an appointment. (بیشتر…)...
What should I do to sound like a native speaker? Wanna sound more like a native speaker ? I’m gonna give you 4 tips : (بیشتر…)...
Breath and Breathe are completely different words. Look at these examples and try to guess the difference. (بیشتر…)...
Living in non-native lands is not always easy. You may have some difficulties such as language barrier, transportation, and socialization. Have you just moved to a new country ? Have you had any problems in maintaining a conversation? Don’t you have any idea how to start a conversation? Do you desperately need to make friends ? This post is going to give you some tips. Speaking is one of the ling...
Level : Upper-intermediate What do you think about our education system ? Many people believe that the system is out of date and it stifles children’s natural talents. Some researchers are trying to revolutionize the methods used at schools. Is traditional education doing more harm than good? (بیشتر…)...