تخفیف سراسری شروع شد!!
In this post, I’m going to introduce you to four common idioms and GOOD phrases about relationships.If you are in love or you are getting married or you are just interested in talking about love, this post is for YOU.
پیوندی که در آسمان ها بسته شده
A relationship that is likely to be successful and happy.
>>Sara and Saman are a match made in heaven. They love doing things together and cannot bear to be away from each other.
رابطه ای که به مشکل خورده
experiencing difficulties
>>Unfortunately, six months after the wedding, their marriage was on the rocks.
عشق زودگذر
an intense but relatively shallow romantic attachment, typically associated with adolescents
>> Most teenagers are quick to fall in love and expect it to last a lifetime, but of course it is puppy love and they soon fall out of it
دیوونه وار عاشق بودن
To be madly in love
>> I have been head over heels about my girlfriend since the day I met her.
Make sentences about yourself with the idioms in the comments section ⇓
i feel in love when i was adolescent but it was puppy love and we was together for 8 years but that relationship was on the rocks but we attached and was hard to fell out
they always thought that their marriage was a match made in heaven until things got ugly and their relationship was on the rocks. then they understood that their love was not a mature love but rather a puppy love.
یلدا جان تو خط اول بعد از فعل introduce از ضمیر you استفاده کردید بعد to ب نظرتون جای این 2کلمه نباید عوض بشه؟اگر نه میشه نکته گرامریش رو یه اشاره کوچیک بهش بکنید.ممنون
Great like the others
Hi dear yalda , thanx alot …I cant undrestand these are objects or noun and how i can use them correctly
I fell in love when I got married.
I find him the right guy.
I try to avoid of puppy loves because I wanted a real one.
In the bigining i thouth we are math made in heaven beacuse i was head over heals but after a year when i was on the rock i underestode it was poupy love
I’m madly in love with my hubby since the first time I met him till now which is 3 years passed from our marriage.
me and keyvan very love together but this was puppy love because he treason to me
Their relationship had never seemed to be a puppy love. They have been over heals about each other even when the relationship was on the rocks; and finally after seven years the match made in heaven have happened.
Such a nice and complete sentence that you made!!brilliant
Me & my boyfriend srart a relationship with a normal love. but we have head over heels as time goes by.because love come from knowing.
Many people believes that cousins are match made in heaven
My boyfriend and i are match made ib heaven and we dont have puppy love because we have been together for three years.
یلداجان لطفا برای تدریس کتاب ورداسکیلز یه مطلب بزار. من خیلی به مشکل خوردم.
Hi, nowadays talking about love is difficult. I don’t even dare learn something about love when I don’t have much money. I’m kidding! Love is beautiful subject any way and thank you to teach us about it.
Their marriage had been on the rocks for several years, but finally they decided to end their relationship and got devorced.
very good! Just be careful about the spelling of ” Divorced”
Every one may experience puppy loves but one day he may find his true love and will understand how a true love is.