تخفیف سراسری شروع شد!!
امروز می خواهیم راجع به تفاوت دو تا کلمه خیلی شبیه به هم حرف بزنیم.
What is the difference between “Loneliness” and “Solitude” ?
قبل از هرچیزی اما بهتره نگاهی به یه کلمه ی مربوط ِ دیگه بندازیم:
Before answering that, it’s better for us to look up the word ” alone” . First things first, what is the difference between “lonely” and “alone” ?
Alone describes a state of being. You are in a room and nobody else is there. You are alone! You are alone without feeling lonely.
alone در واقع به تنها بودن ِ فیزیکی اشاره می کنه. ممکنه توی یه اتاق تنها باشی اما احساس تنهایی نداشته باشی.
Lonely describes an emotional response to one’s circumstances.
اما loneliness یه حالتِ روحیه که دردناک و منفیه. وقتی احساس می کنی برای بقیه اهمیتی نداری، دچارش میشی. ممکنه اطرافت شلوغ باشه اما باز احساس تنهایی کنی و این احساس می تونه به حس تنفر از خودت منجر بشه.
* * Loneliness is painful and it’s a negative state
* * When you feel unimportant, you feel lonely
* * We may be surrounded by people and still feel lonely
* * Loneliness can lead to self-rejection or despair
* * When you feel lonely, you feel like something is missing
What about solitude ?
Solitude is the state of being alone without being lonely. Confusing huh ? let me make more statements for you :
این یکی در واقع تنها بودن بدون احساس تنهاییه. گیج کننده است ؟ بذار برات روشنش کنم.گفتیم که loneliness منفی است. خب می تونیم بگیم که solitude منفی نیست. وقتی است که با خودت خلوت کردی. در این حالت می تونی به ارزیابی خودت و فکر کردن راجع به زندگیت بپردازی.
** Loneliness is negative, but solitude is positive. It’s a constructive state of being engaged with yourself.
** Solitude is the time that can be used for reflection and thinking.
عالی بود
میشه چند تا جمله کاربردی solitude اضافه کنید؟ با سپاس فراوان
it was good. thank you honey
بسيار نكته هاي مفيدي را مطرح كرده أيد
Dear yalda ? thanks for your site and, you are great
Teacher, love you
Tanks a lot dear yalda ?for this site, very
nice and usefulI
it was perfect.. thanks alot
Dear Yalda,
First of all, I would like to appreciate from you for all you are doing. Your website is quite helpful like your channel as well as your Instagram page. But I have to suggestions. First, that would be great, if you could add the pronunciation of the new words. Second, if you put the both direction of typing to have an easier English comment. And last but not least, you are a wonderful inspiring person.
Best wishes
thanks dear yalda?
Thanks a lot sweetie????
thanks for your best info
The father thought that human feels “loneliness” when he is “alone” in his chamber, he did not know that loneliness” is only felt in crowd”.
Dead’s symphony
Abbas Maroufi
سلام من چند بار شروع كردم به يادگيري زبان اما بازم ادامه ندادم خيلي دوس دارم ياد بگيرم.
نميدونم از كجا بايد شروع كنم. اول برم سراغ كلمات مدام معني پيدا كنم نميدونم اصلا.
كتاب يا فيلمم ميبينم اصلا متوجه نميشم. ميشه لطفا كمكم كنين.
میتونم تفاوت lone و loneliness رو بدونم؟
Hi dear yalda, thank you, the post was useful.
Is it mean that “solitude” and “alone” refer to the same situation?
ALONE فقط یه تنهایی فیزیکی است اما سالیتود در واقع یه موقعیت عمیق تره
I wish I would’ve answered to the question before reading the text. ?The first thing that came to my mind was that “solitude ” is the state chosen by one him/herself, sth which brings us peace and quality time.on the other hand “loneliness ” must be forced and unpleasant to individual. That’s why it has certainly negative definition.
Thank you for your amazing website ??❤️
خارق العاده بود
Thanx dearest…you are otherwordly teacher?????