بستن سبد خرید

تخفیف سراسری شروع شد!!

عبارات و اصطلاحات مربوط به انتخابات

زمان مطالعه: دقیقه ۲۱ آوریل ۲۰۱۷ ۱۳ دیدگاه

Level : Intermediate

We are so close to the election day. It’s a good time to learn how to talk about it. 

Talk about election

Ballot :

A piece of paper used to vote in an election / The total number of votes in an election

ورقه رای / مجموع آرا

Campaign :

A connected series of events to produce a particular result


Conservative :

A person who tends to uphold traditions and resist major changes

محافظه کار

Debate :

A discussion or an argument about issues


Poll :

A survey of public opinion


Bipartisan :

A cooperative effort by two political parties

دو حزبی

Smoke-filled room :

The sort of place where behind-the-scenes political wheeling and dealing, often devious, occurs.

پشت پرده

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Listen to the podcast to check pronunciation :

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نشانی ایمیل شما منتشر نخواهد شد. بخش‌های موردنیاز علامت‌گذاری شده‌اند *

    Hello and thank you dear Yalda. This is the first comment on your website and I wish to you great. Say hi for me to Kiarang if you were seen.

    thank you so much, please put the pronunciation as well,

    Thanks alot my dear. Could you please write the phonetics too? Because it help us to learn faster

    a person who resistS, you have forgotten s at the end of resist (definitin of Conservative)

    دوست عزیز رزیست فعل دوم جمله است و بعد از تندز اومده پس اس نمی‌گیره Tends to resist

    Thank U dear Yalda, i like to learn English & will follow your lesson????

    It was practical but please put pronunciation and also a sample sentence

    thanks a million.please put the pronunciations too?

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